After a dirty carpet is received from the customer and brought to the facility, it is first cleaned of dust. Applying such a treatment to the carpet before washing it plays a serious role in the cleaning of the carpet in the first place.

After the Komman automatic carpet dusting machine, we can wash the carpet that is ready to be washed. If desired, the carpet is wetted through the pre-soaking pool located in front of the machine. Or it can be wetted through the water nozzles. The carpet is started to be washed in the Komman automatic carpet washing machine with the shampoo coming from the brushes. The middle brush continues and opens the fringes of the carpet and creates gaps between them. After the formation of these gaps, the Komman roller rake system comes into play and this system scrapes, cleans and destroys the pile, dirt, fluff in the formed gaps.

The carpet washed with these latest systems is now clean. Now the carpet is ready to enter the Komman carpey spin dryer machine. Since the carpet spin dryer machine is a sensitive machine, the carpet thrown into it should not be thrown upside down. The carpet must be thrown into the carpet spin dryer machine in a clockwise direction. This carpet is removed from the carpet spin dryer machine. It comes out with around 90-95% dryness.

After this process, the collected carpets are transferred to the clean carpet area and taken to the carpet hanging-drying zone. For this step, you can create a carpet drying room and dry it with a dehumidifier , or you can create a separate area and dry your carpets without a dehumidifier. If not, the carpet will dry within 2 days at the latest.

Carpet washing operators using Komman automatic packaging machine can use this machine in this stage , or if they wish, they can manually check the carpet on the table, put it in a carpet bag, and make it ready for delivery. .


All steps of a dirty carpet from the very beginning to the end are realized in this way. As Komman Machinery , we can be reached at any time to give more detailed information to anyone who is considering establishing a carpet washing business, and to clear any question marks in your mind.